Jesus IS the Messiah! He has come! How will you respond?
John 6: 35, John 4: 48; Deuteronomy 18: 15-18; James 1: 17; Matthew 4: 4, 26:26, 6: 24-34
Will you walk in darkness, or the light? Jesus is the Light of the world!
This week's verses for this message are: Matthew 5: 14-16;
John 1: 4-5, 8: 12, 16: 33; Acts 26: 12-20; Ephesians 4: 17-18, 5: 8-9;
1 Peter 3: 15-16; 1 John 5: 4
I Am The Gate! Will you enter into an eternal relationship with Him?
John 10: 7-10; Romans 10: 13; Acts 4: 12; Jeremiah 29: 13; 1 John 4: 4; Revelation 3: 20
Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice and will follow me." Do you know His voice? Will you follow Him?
John 10: 14-18; Isaiah 40: 11; Isaiah 53: 6-7; 1 Peter 2: 24-25;
Psalms 23: 1-3a
Jesus told Mary, the sister of Lazarus, that, "I AM the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" So, the question today... do YOU?
He IS risen!
This week, Evangelist Jared Horne shares how the church began and how it is to grow. IF WE DO OUR PART!
Acts 2: 42-47; John 14: 12; John 13: 44-45; James 2: 18
Do YOU know the Way? The ONLY Way? Jesus himself told His disciples that they knew the Way because they knew Him. But they just didn't get it, until the Holy Spirit came upon them.
God is the Master Vine Dresser. He knows how to prune you, to produce abundant fruit! Are you willing to let Him?
John 15: 1-12; Galatians 5: 22-23